Jinai A

Jinai A

Shopify's Deliverr acquisition is a win-win deal

As I was previously working at E-commerce domain, Deliverr is a star company in that area. Middle April, there was the rummer that Shopify would acquire Deliverr for $2B+ value, and early May,

What I read this week (week of 09/26)

Why Even Big Tech Companies Keep Getting Hacked—and What They Plan to Do About It * Hackers keep tricking employees to gain access to corporate networks, so companies are changing their approach to

What I read this week (week of 09/19)

What I read this week Amazon's surprising low-key ads business and its core contributor The story of the low-key leader Paul Kotas who is the man behind Amazon's $15

What I read this week (week of 09/05)

What I read this week Framework v0.2 Chris Paik shares his multidisciplinary frameworks, lessons, theories, and general worldview with respect to venture capital in this thought-provoking document. * So many great points on