My top3 weekly product hunt pick -- week of 06/19

My top3 weekly product hunt pick -- week of 06/19

So, I am resuming my weekly product top3 pick video series, and this is for last week, the week of 06/19.

Top1 OlvyBuild a continuous user feedback loop

Pain-point: during product design cycle, the priority to propose a feature sometimes depends on aggregating users' feedback.  

Solution: this solution is an aggregation platform to auto integrate customer feedback from various channels into one common place. From there, lots of work could be further extended, including ranking, extract sentiment, bubble up common feature requests and auto cut tickets.

Top2 Current – Shared visibility for your team’s most important work

Pain-point: across function teams in a company is lack of visibility of what others teams doing. This results re-invent the wheels and feedback are given too late deep down the development cycles.

Solution: similar to the top1 product, this is an integration platform to ingest info from all channels within the companies. So across function teams, like sales and engineering teams are transparent on what they're working on. There's Generative AI module to auto compose a weekly summary from each team.

Top3 Jameo - Hyper-custom clothing for any team, event, and occasion

Just a fun project – it's a figma for clothing and swag design. Also allow colalboration designs on the platform. Their min orders are just 20 quantity. It's an interesting project to apply "figma for XYZ" concept to a fun new vertical.

Where are my sources?

You could go to product hunt website and sign up their news letter. Just 5-min read everyday, you could get to known the most trendy products people are publishing.

Jinai A

Jinai A
