My top3 weekly product hunt pick -- week of 07/10

My top3 weekly product hunt pick -- week of 07/10

Welcome to another week, this is a week of 07/10.

Top1 Opus Clip AI – Turn a long video into viral shorts in 1 click

Pain-point – For this era, how to convert a long video into short videos automatically.

Solution – Not only it cuts long video into short video, you can also choose a particular topic and extract only related contents from long videos into short video. Then, it would allow certain editing only for the flavor of short videos.

Top2 Coframe – Let your website optimize itself with generative A/B testing

Pain-point – in A/B testing, what are the options or variants you're testing against.

Solution – AI parser will automatically scan your website, and recommends some options for you to run A/B testing against. Certainly, there's full suite support for the typically A/B testing features.

Top3 Dopt – SDKs to build quality product onboarding and education

Pain-point – a typical onboarding or education flow on the website is done by no-code tool, but we all know the downside and limitation of traditional no-code tool.

Solution – how about just using code or configs to drive these onboarding and education flows.

Worth mentioning

CodeJet – Figma to quality front end code

GPT WebApp Generator for React & Node.js – Let AI create a full-stack web app based on your description

Retro – A friends-only photo journal for moments big and small

Enjoy the summer!

Jinai A

Jinai A
