What I read/listened to this week (week of 10/13/2022)

What I read/listened to this week (week of 10/13/2022)
credit: Mushi

What I read this Week

Relatively short list this Week

Garry Tan – the answer of why now?

  • new technology
  • new behavior
  • new regulations

Sleep tech is involving

Tech’s ‘Overnight Shift’: The Smart Mattresses, Pillows and Gummies Putting Silicon Valley to Sleep.

Stanford endorsement growth

Stanford University’s $37.8 billion endowment raked in nearly $1 billion from its venture capital portfolio’s bets on Airbnb and DoorDash after the startups went public in late 2020. Now it’s looking to increase its stake in the small number of elite VC funds responsible for those wins.

What I listened to this week

Acquired Podcast – Benchmark Capital Part II

This is the 2nd part of the podcast series – Benchmark Capital. It tells the tale of the legendary equal partnership that accomplished something no other venture firm can claim.

Tiny Thoughts (from fs.blog)

There are a lot of things in life that only work when you commit.

I don’t mean dabble. I don’t mean half-in. I mean commit.

Commitment means all in, all the time.

It’s easy to trick yourself into thinking that if you put in half the effort, you can get 80 percent of the results. While that might work for some things, it doesn’t work for anything important.

If you’re half trustworthy, you’re not trustworthy.

If you’re often reliable, you’re not reliable.

If you’re mostly consistent, you’re not consistent.

The key to doing anything well is commitment. Not only does commitment help you become better at what you do, but it also makes other people want to help you.

If you see your job as punching the clock, not only will you never be great at it, but your employer won’t invest in you. The best relationships are the ones where both partners go all in all the time to make the relationship amazing.

If committing sounds like a lot of work, it is. That’s why so many people are half-in. The problem with half-in and half-committed is that it doesn’t get you the results you want. If you're not committed, get out.

The committed person gets both the opportunity and the results.

All in, all the time.

Jinai A

Jinai A
