What I read/spoke/listened to this week (week of 2/6/2023)

What I read/spoke/listened to this week (week of 2/6/2023)

What I read

The ‘Enshittification’ of TikTok

  • This is enshittification: Surpluses are first directed to users; then, once they're locked in, surpluses go to suppliers; then once they're locked in, the surplus is handed to shareholders and the platform becomes a useless pile of shit. From mobile app stores to Steam, from Facebook to Twitter, this is the enshittification lifecycle.

The Four Horsemen of the Tech Recession

  • The real problem, though, was increased interest rates. The SaaS model, as I have documented, entails operating unprofitably up-front to acquire customers, with the assumption being that those customers will pay out subscription fees like an annuity; moreover, the assumption was that that annuity would actually increase over time as companies used their initial product as a beachhead to both increase seats and average revenue per user.

Ted Chiang on GPT

ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web

What I listened to

Business Breakdown on Qualcomm: Making Smartphones Smart

This show covers the role Qualcomm played in the wireless standards we rely on today, the fractious relationship between Qualcomm and Apple, and how the business is positioned for the future.

All-in podcast episode 113

What I spoked about

90 seconds introduces an AWS service - AWS Glue

What’s the 2nd offering after an IPO?

Jinai A

Jinai A
